Cambodia — Central Market, Siem Reap, Cambodia
Does it still exist?
September 2015
According to my guidebook, there was a Central Market (Phasar-kandal) in Siem Reap, Cambodia, and I went searching for it.
From what I could find, the market no longer exists. There was a collection of stalls around what looked like a vacant lot. Had the market been demolished, and these few stalls were all that remained?
Cambodia — Old Market | Psar Chaa, Siem Reap (cor Street 11 and Hospital Street), Siem Reap, Cambodia
Old Market | Psar Chaa, Siem Reap (cor Street 11 and Hospital Street), Siem Reap, Cambodia

One thing to note, the Central Market should not be confused with the Old Market as from what I could tell, both markets used to exist in different parts of the town.

Foursquare: Central Market