Hong Kong — Breakfast in Hong Kong

Trouble finding breakfast — a technology fail

September 2015

I had trouble finding a breakfast place on my first morning in Hong Kong.

My usual approaches (FourSquare and the ‘net) didn’t seem to help; in fact, FourSquare gave random answers. I later discovered that the problem was with my phone, in that it was struggling to get a GPS location lock in Hong Kong due to all the high-rise buildings.

I finally found a little place in Spring Garden Lane.

I had no idea of the place’s name as I couldn’t read Chinese, and the place wasn’t on FourSquare. But, there seemed to be a constant stream of people coming along to buy from the place using the outside serving area; I thought it was worth a try.

Photo by Author — Breakfast in Hong Kong
Photo by Author — Breakfast in Hong Kong
Photo by Author — Breakfast in Hong Kong
Photo by Author — Breakfast in Hong Kong

It was a good call as it was an excellent little restaurant/café.

The food was excellent (photo below), and I could order without difficulty even though the menu was in Chinese. The total cost of the meal was $55 HKD (£5 GBP; $7.50 USD).

One interesting thing I have not seen before was customers using tea to wash their bowls, spoon, and chopsticks before eating. I wondered why they had put a large bowl on my table.

Photo by Author — Breakfast in Hong Kong
Photo by Author — Breakfast in Hong Kong
Photo by Author — Breakfast in Hong Kong
Photo by Author — Breakfast in Hong Kong

Great little place with good food and a great find on Spring Garden Lane.

Worth checking out (if you can find it).