Hong Kong — Street photos of Hong Kong

Some photos from around Hong Kong

September 2015

I liked Hong King because it is a great place to wander around if you like taking photos.

Hong Kong is great for architectural shots and cityscapes, and street photography. You never seem to have to go far before encountering something new and exciting to photograph.

Below is a collection of shots I took of the architecture and neon lights while wandering through Hong Kong’s streets.

Photo by Author — Hong Kong streets
Photo by Author — Hong Kong streets

Stunning street canyons between the building.

Photo by Author — Hong Kong streets
Photo by Author — Hong Kong streets

And a real mix of the new and the old.

But as you will find in many cities, the car is king and gets priority over pedestrians.

Hong Kong uses numerous elevated walkways to separate cars from pedestrians, which often means you can't take the direct route between two points. Hence, on several occasions, I passed the thing I was trying to get to as it was below a walkway.

The canyons between the building, which block GPS signals, and the 3D nature of walking around Hong Kong (there is typically more than one 'street level' coming into play) make navigation a real challenge.

Photo by Author — Hong Kong streets
Photo by Author — Hong Kong streets

I love the reflections of the clouds in these buildings.

Photo by Author — Hong Kong streets
Photo by Author — Hong Kong streets

Occasionally, you come across a piece of old 'empire' architecture. The harbour clock tower, which in its day must have seemed very tall, is now dwarfed by the surrounding buildings.

Photo by Author — Hong Kong streets — The Harbour Clock Tower
Photo by Author — Hong Kong streets — The Harbour Clock Tower

The main shopping streets are chaotic and noisy, with a mix of building styles.

Photo by Author — Hong Kong streets
Photo by Author — Hong Kong streets

And as soon as it gets dark, the streets become a flickering mass of brightly coloured neon lights vying for your attention.

Photo by Author — Hong Kong streets
Photo by Author — Hong Kong streets

I loved the neon lights.

Photo by Author — Hong Kong streets
Photo by Author — Hong Kong streets

There are some stunning cityscapes in Hong Kong and some striking buildings.

Photo by Author — Hong Kong streets
Photo by Author — Hong Kong streets

Again, the reflections of the blue sky and clouds. Magical.

Photo by Author — Hong Kong streets
Photo by Author — Hong Kong streets
Photo by Author — Hong Kong streets
Photo by Author — Hong Kong streets
Photo by Author — Hong Kong streets
Photo by Author — Hong Kong streets

If you are in Hong Kong, don't forget to take the time to stop and look up. Take some time to soak in the architecture of the city. The mix of the old and the new. A stunning-looking place.