Myanmar (Burma) — Electricity in Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma)
Watch out for ‘dirty’ electricity in Myanmar
March 2015
Electricity in Mandalay seemed a bit random; that is, it was liable to go off at any time and may not have been particularly 'clean'.
Clean Electricity
What I mean by 'clean electricity' is not environmental clean but 'clean' in terms of voltage and power spikes. During my three days in Mandalay, I had one night of power cuts in the hotel (emergency generators kicked in), and I also witnessed ‘brownouts’ in which lights would dim as voltage and current dropped.
At the hotel, there were two clues that the electricity supply may be an issue. The first clue were these two devices in the room to protect the ‘fridge and the TV from power spikes.

When I was charging my electrical equipment (cameras, phone etc.), I plugged it in via these devices and used a surge protector.
The second clue to power issues were the generators outside the hotel and most shops and houses in Mandalay.
When I arrived at Hotel Mandalay, I spotted two large devices in the corner of the carpark. I didn't give them much thought.

Once I had walked around town, I realised there were similar large devices outside many buildings. Smaller versions were also outside most shops and even some private houses. It was then that I realised they were generators.
Power cuts
I have no idea how common power cuts are in Mandalay. The fact that the TV and ‘fridge in my room were 'power protected’ and that most businesses, and some private homes, had generators made me think that outages might be pretty common.
Later in the trip, when I was at Mandalay International Airport (MDL), all the power went off, and no one seemed concerned — emergency generators kicked in. Power outages do seem to be common in Myanmar.
My advice — if you are visiting Mandalay or Myanmar, pack a torch and a surge protector. And if your luggage limit allows — a small generator. (I’m kidding about the generator.)