Myanmar (Burma) — Looking for Taukkyan War Cemetery using TripAdvisor — it’s not where it says it is….!!
When your travel app gets it wrong
March 2015
I use TripAdvisor a lot on my travels, and it is usually pretty good, but, around SE Asia, I found that it sometimes runs into problems, and no one seems to report the errors. Here is a case in point.
One afternoon, while walking around Yangon, I asked TripAdvisor what was nearby that may be of interest. To my surprise, it said that the Taukkyan War Cemetery was 600 yards (ca. 550 m) down the road.
I thought this was odd as I had been researching the cemetery the night before, and I was sure it was some 20 miles (ca. 32 km) north of my current position. So, I went to find it using the TripAdvisor App.

The above shows me, according to TripAdvisor, at the location of the Taukkyan War Cemetery.
And the photos below show that there was no war cemetery in sight.
I did wonder if the flyover had replaced the cemetery.

The Taukkyan War Cemetery was not at the location given by TripAdvisor.
What I should have been seeing was.

Which was, in fact, some 20 miles (ca. 32 km) north of my location.
I reported the error to TripAdvisor, and it was fixed.