Vietnam — Highlands Coffee, Hanoi, Vietnam
Time for a coffee
September 2015
I spent quite a bit of time wandering around Hanoi, Vietnam.
I found Hanoi to be a fantastic place and had a great time. There were so many things to see and photograph.
However, I would describe the weather in Hanoi as "Hotter than Hades”. And for me to say that it must have been hot as I had been living in Southeast Asia for two years and was used to the heat and the humidity. But Hanoi seemed to be in a league of its own. In addition, the high level of air pollution, combined with the heat and humidity, made it rather difficult to spend too much time wandering around on the streets.
Finally, the heat got to me, and I stopped for an iced coffee at Highlands Coffee, which, as far as I could make out, was a local Starbucks-type chain.
Highlands Coffee had great air-con, and I went into several of their shops. Along with great air-con, they had free Wi-Fi and served one of the strongest iced coffees I have ever had.

Highlands Coffee’s ice-blended lime was also good. Very refreshing but a little over-sweet for me.

Foursquare: Highlands Coffee